miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

La ciudad cultural

Estoy últimamente muy, muy ocupada, leyendo cosas como ésta:

"Cultural policy is the product of joined-up thinking. The great trend of the machine age was to break things down. We have inherited disconnected ways of thinking; culture is usually disconnected from other public policies. The great challenge is to find new ways to put the pieces together again. There is nowhere more important than in cities, which are wholes – and we need to manage cities as total systems, from transportation to education, from health to jobs. To get cities to work creatively, we should work holistically. Cultural policy and action must never be confined to a handful of arts events, however important these may be. Cultural policy must invade and interact with all forms of public policy. The creation of a new metropolitan structure can have culture at its heart, as a kind of glue that helps to bind the multiple identities and exploit the creativity of the city."

Robert Palmer, "Conferencia: The city in practice". Montreal, 2001.

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